Pest Control – Insects, Wasps, Rodents, and Wasps
by Virgil Vance
Pests carry dangerous bacteria that can contaminate surfaces and food, causing sickness in people, pets, and livestock. They also deteriorate plants and cause other damage.
Threshold-based decision-making is important for pest control. If a pest is causing unacceptable harm, it’s time to act. Different methods are used to suppress and prevent pests. Contact Pest Control Garland TX now!

Insects are the largest group within the arthropod phylum (hexapod invertebrates with a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body consisting of a head, thorax, and abdomen, and three pairs of jointed legs), having more than a million described species. They are arguably the most diverse group of animals on earth. They play vital roles in ecosystems as pollinators and decomposers. Some insects also provide economic benefits, such as honeybees for honey production and silkworms for industrial worm farming. Others are pests in agricultural and forestry settings, while many species are vectors for pathogens.
Invasive insect species can cause significant crop losses around the world, directly by feeding on crops or indirectly by transmitting plant pathogens. Annual global crop losses due to insect-associated damage are estimated at more than 470 billion dollars. Several approaches can be used to mitigate crop losses caused by insects including biological control, cropping system modification, genetic engineering and chemical control.
Although they may not have the appearance of human beings, insects are an extremely complex and highly evolved organisms. They undergo complete metamorphosis, developing from eggs to larvae to pupae and adults, with varying degrees of incomplete or full mechanization of wings during each stage of development. Insects have a number of defensive and offensive strategies including camouflage, odors, pheromones and mimicry. Some insects also have the ability to produce a neurotoxin that paralyzes the nervous system of predators.
Insects are an essential part of every ecosystem. However, they can be detrimental to human activities when their numbers become uncontrollable, causing damage or health problems. Often, organisms reach pest status when they escape normal controls by natural enemies and rapidly increase in population to levels that cause damage or adversely affect the environment. For example, locust swarms can destroy crops and damage landscapes. Insects can also be disease vectors, transferring parasites and viruses that infect humans with diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, typhoid fever, schistosomiasis, triatomine worm disease, Chagas disease and yellow fever. A balance of biological, cultural, physical and chemical control methods are required to sustainably manage insect pest populations.
Rodents are a large order of mammals with more than 2,050 living species (Rodentia). They are the most widespread group of mammals. They are found worldwide, and most are native to all land areas except Antarctica, New Zealand and a few Arctic islands. They are a significant economic nuisance with the potential to damage property and disrupt human activities. Their droppings, urine, saliva and nesting materials contaminate food; their constant gnawing causes fires; and their burrowing damages streets, foundations and underground utility lines. Rodents also cause diseases in humans through contact with fleas, ticks and rat bites. Thousands of people each year are exposed to rodent-borne bacteria and viruses such as typhus, plague, leptospirosis, rat bite fever, salmonella, murphyella and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.
Rodents may invade homes and businesses seeking food, water, shelter and warmth. Rodents are cold-blooded and need a warm place to live, so they tend to be more active in the winter when outdoor temperatures are low. They can be very destructive, and their fast reproduction leads to a rapid increase in rodent populations.
Practicing prevention is the key to successful rodent control. It is important to eliminate all food, water and shelter sources within a structure, and to prevent access to those items. This can be done by placing nontoxic monitoring bait blocks in tamper-resistant stations or traps, and by regularly inspecting vulnerable areas such as food service and custodial closets, laundry rooms, vending areas, garages and crawl spaces.
Keep garbage and waste out of sight and away from the house, especially overnight when rodents are most active. Store food in airtight containers and remove unsecured bird feeders from the yard. Trim back trees and shrubs that are close to the home to make it more difficult for rodents to gain entry. Place granular repellents such as peppermint oil or cayenne pepper around the foundation and in other places where rodents are most active to discourage them from coming in. In addition, seal any cracks and holes in the exterior walls and foundation, and use tight-fitting weather stripping on doors and windows.
Wasps are a vital part of our ecosystem. They are pollinators, decomposers, and predators of pest insects. Social wasps are also valuable biological control agents, helping to keep the population of many garden and vegetable crop pests under control.
While it’s easy to be fearful of wasps, most wasp species are not aggressive. The exception is the yellowjacket and hornet, which are both very aggressive wasps that can sting several times. These wasps are best controlled by professional pest control services, which have the expertise, experience, and proper protective gear to handle these insects safely.
Unlike other common insects, wasps have built-in digestive enzymes that allow them to get the nutrition they need from rotting carcasses. This helps break down soil biomass, releasing nutrients and making it more fertile. Solitary wasps, such as mud daubers, are another important group of wasps. They build mud nests in sheltered places like attics or garages, and feed on insects. These wasps can be helpful in the garden as they eat pests such as caterpillars and greenfly, which help to control populations of these pests.
When they are not tending to their colonies, solitary wasps spend most of their time foraging. During the summer, wasps are attracted to sweet substances such as nectar, and they will visit flowers that produce these liquids. This includes vegetables and fruits, so it is a good idea to regularly inspect your crops for signs of damage or overripeness.
Another way wasps help with natural pest control is by laying their eggs on or inside of soft-bodied insects, such as caterpillars. This is called parasitism, and the result of this is that the wasp larvae will consume their host from the inside and eventually kill it.
Solitary wasps can be effective at controlling pests such as caterpillars and caterpillar grubs in the garden. However, if you see large numbers of caterpillars on your plants, you may want to consider hiring a professional pest control service to apply a more comprehensive approach to pest management. This may involve spraying a broad spectrum insecticide, rather than focusing on specific pests.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are tiny insects that bite people to feed on their blood. They are notoriously difficult to get rid of and tend to spread quickly. A well-established infestation usually requires multiple treatment steps.
Unlike other pests that are more easily controlled by traps or baits, these critters need to be sprayed directly with insecticide to be effectively eliminated. Pyrethroid sprays are among the most commonly used products and are effective when properly applied. However, this type of product should never be sprayed in areas where children or pets are present and all label safety directions must be followed carefully.
Bedding, furniture and other items should be treated as soon as signs of a bed bug infestation are detected. Excessive clutter in bedrooms and living areas should also be removed since these things afford many hiding places for the pests and can impede proper inspection, treatment and monitoring. The presence of bed bug eggs may also require special attention since they are insensitive to most traditional pesticides.
Once the infestation is discovered, a professional pest control company should be consulted to inspect and treat the premises. Typically, the company will spray for these pests with liquids or aerosols formulated specifically to kill bed bugs. A thorough application will include the seams, folds and crevices of beds, chairs and sofas. It is important that bedding be stripped and the vacuum bag disposed of immediately following this treatment. This will prevent the spread of these pests to a new area.
A follow up visit should be scheduled in about a week to ensure the presence of eggs is addressed. Eggs are insensitive to most conventional pesticides and can repopulate the infestation. If the eggs are not treated with a special product, the recurrence of the problem will be much more difficult to control.
Prevention of a bed bug infestation is easier than eliminating one. The simplest precautions are to always check clothing and belongings for these pests after leaving an infested site or returning home from a trip on public transportation or a hotel. People should also avoid sleeping on upholstered chairs or couches and sleep in a bed that is free of them.
Pests carry dangerous bacteria that can contaminate surfaces and food, causing sickness in people, pets, and livestock. They also deteriorate plants and cause other damage. Threshold-based decision-making is important for pest control. If a pest is causing unacceptable harm, it’s time to act. Different methods are used to suppress and prevent pests. Contact Pest Control…