The Importance of Proper Lawn Care

Lawn care practices like mowing, aeration, dethatching and fertilizing can have unintended environmental consequences. For example, bagging grass clippings wastes resources and dumping them on the lawn changes nutrient cycles.

In spring, clear debris and repair patchy areas with new seed or sod. During summer, water regularly but deeply to protect from drought and prevent weed growth. A soil test helps set a watering schedule and optimize nutrient availability. Checkout for more information.

Lawn Care

A lush, green lawn is one of the most important aspects of a beautiful home. Proper watering practices can help minimize fungal diseases, promote deep root growth, and improve soil health. Watering the lawn in the right way can also prevent soil erosion and drought. A good rule of thumb is to water the lawn infrequently and deeply. However, some soils require more frequent watering than others.

Watering in the morning is the best time to water the lawn. It helps to conserve water by preventing the loss to evaporation and it allows the lawn to soak up the water before the sun hits it later in the day. Also, the dew that gathers in the grass overnight will wash away any fungal spores that may have formed.

The frequency of watering depends on many factors, including the climate, soil type, and shade. For example, clay soils retain moisture longer than sandy soils. In general, cool-season lawns require watering more often than warm-season turfgrass. The amount of rainfall will also affect the need for supplemental irrigation.

When watering, it is important to use a nozzle or sprinkler with a wide spray pattern. This will provide a more even distribution of the water and will reduce runoff and surface puddles. It is also a good idea to check the moisture level of the soil on a daily basis. If the soil is moist, it is not necessary to water that area of the lawn. If the soil is dry, watering it more frequently will promote deeper root growth and help to alleviate drought conditions.

Lawn care services can include fertilization, weed control, aeration, and mowing. Some local lawn services can even help with reseeding and overseeding, soil health, and tree and shrub care. It is important to choose a lawn service that uses safe products for children and pets. Ask your lawn care company for a list of ingredients in their products. This will allow you to avoid any lawn treatments that contain harmful chemicals. You should also keep your children and pets indoors during any lawn treatments, whether performed by you or a full-service lawn care company.


When it comes to lawn care, mowing is one of the most important tasks. It’s not only what makes your property look its best, but it also helps prevent pests, diseases and drought stress. Using the proper mower is essential to achieve the desired result, and there are four main types of mowers available: cylinder, rotary, hover and ride-on mowers.

A neat, manicured-looking turf will add value to your property and provide an appeasing backdrop for outdoor entertaining. It’s important to remember that mowing isn’t just about keeping the grass trim, but also removing any weeds and fallen branches or debris.

It’s best to cut the lawn at least once per week during the growing season and more often if necessary. The proper height to cut the grass depends on the type of grass in your yard, but the general rule is that it should be no shorter than 3 inches. Cutting the grass too short will result in it looking dull, dry and unhealthy.

Regular mowing also reduces the risk of disease and improves air circulation in the soil, which will help prevent fungus growth. This is because longer grass tends to trap moisture, which creates an ideal environment for fungal diseases. Fungicide treatments are very effective in controlling fungal problems in the lawn, but they should only be applied when the conditions are right.

Considering how important mowing is, it’s no wonder why many homeowners and business owners prefer to hire professionals that offer lawn mowing services. A professional will be able to keep your property in pristine condition, while saving you time and energy. They will have the knowledge and expertise to mow your grass at the proper height and weed whack as needed. They will also know when to perform other lawn maintenance such as aeration, fertilization, and weed control to ensure the healthy, beautiful appearance of your yard. You may even want to consider hiring a lawn service that includes regular fungicide treatments as well. These treatments are very effective in preventing and treating fungal diseases that affect turfgrass.


When lawn fertilizer is applied correctly, it strengthens grass roots and encourages fast regrowth. This helps turfgrass bounce back from damage caused by lawn pests, harsh environmental conditions or drought. Additionally, a well-fertilized lawn maximizes oxygen production in its immediate area, which is good for the environment and humans.

Lawn care experts know to use the right type and amount of fertilizer for each lawn and the time of year. They also have access to higher-quality lawn care products that yield superior results. And they can apply fertilizer with precision using a spreader that’s calibrated to deliver the perfect application rate.

All fertilizers add nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to the soil. These nutrients help plants grow, but they can also contribute to pollution if not used properly. When choosing a fertilizer, look for one with a low phosphate and nitrate content, which is better for the environment. It’s also a good idea to choose an organic option.

A good rule of thumb is to wait until the ground thaws before applying fertilizer. If you fertilize before this, the product might wash away without contacting the ground. It’s also important to avoid fertilizing near rivers, lakes or other bodies of water because excess nutrient runoff can be toxic to fish and other wildlife.

You can find the recommended nutrient content for your specific lawn on the label of any lawn care product. In addition, you can use a soil test to determine if your turfgrass needs additional nutrients.

Grass needs a balanced diet to thrive, so it’s important to fertilize it regularly. However, too much fertilizer can cause damage to the grass and disrupt the natural balance of the soil. Over-fertilizing can hinder a lawn’s ability to recover from stress, such as drought or extreme weather conditions.

If you’re concerned about over-fertilizing your lawn, contact a local lawn service to discuss the best preventative measures for you. They can provide other vital lawn services, like weed control and disease management, while you take a break from the tedious work of maintaining your own yard.


Weeds not only detract from the beauty of your lawn, but they also choke out the grass and plants that you have carefully cultivated. Weeds steal the nutrients that your lawn needs, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and they can block sunlight from reaching your desired plants and turfgrass. In addition, weeds can cause soil compaction and hinder the proper flow of water and oxygen to your desired plants.

The key to having a healthy lawn is to keep the weed population under control, and the best way to do that is by consistently weeding your yard. There are several methods to effectively weed your yard, including hand-pulling, shallow cultivation, mulching and nonselective herbicides.

A weed-free lawn looks beautiful and is the envy of the neighborhood. However, the benefits of a healthy lawn go beyond aesthetics. A well-maintained lawn can add up to property value and make your home or commercial site more appealing to prospective tenants, customers and employees.

Many types of weeds are invasive and can cause problems for the health of your turfgrass. These weeds often grow in poor-quality soil that is lacking in essential nutrients. In addition, these weeds can compete for resources with your desired plants, causing them to slow down or even die.

Weeds can also harbor insects and disease pathogens that can spread to your grass and plants. The weeds themselves may also be a source of fungal diseases that can harm your yard and cause serious health issues for your family and pets.

Aside from weeds, there are a variety of other issues that can affect the health and beauty of your lawn. Your local lawn care specialist can help you determine what issues are present in your yard and provide recommendations and services to improve those conditions. These services can include soil testing and aeration, which involves making small holes in the turf to aid growth. In addition, fertilization, overseeding and weed control are important parts of a comprehensive lawn care plan.

Lawn care practices like mowing, aeration, dethatching and fertilizing can have unintended environmental consequences. For example, bagging grass clippings wastes resources and dumping them on the lawn changes nutrient cycles. In spring, clear debris and repair patchy areas with new seed or sod. During summer, water regularly but deeply to protect from drought and prevent…